

2025 Annual ESUPERFUND Fee

If you apply to establish an SMSF on or before , the 2025 ESUPERFUND Annual Fee is FREE under our current Special Offer. Our FREE ESUPERFUND Fee Offer includes attending to the following annual compliance obligations for your SMSF for the 2025 Financial Year:

    Preparation of an annual Balance Sheet
    Preparation of an annual Profit & Loss Statement
    Preparation of annual Member Statements
    Preparation of annual Trustee Resolutions & Minutes
    Preparation and Lodgement of an annual Income Tax Return
    Preparation of an annual Audit

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2026 Annual ESUPERFUND Fee

For the 2026 Financial Year, the ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF is per annum (GST inclusive). This Fee does not change irrespective of the number of transactions made by your SMSF, the size of your SMSF or the number of Members. The ESUPERFUND Annual Fee includes attending to the following annual compliance obligations for your SMSF:

    Preparation of an annual Balance Sheet
    Preparation of an annual Profit & Loss Statement
    Preparation of annual Member Statements
    Preparation of annual Trustee Resolutions & Minutes
    Preparation and Lodgement of an annual Income Tax Return
    Preparation of an annual Audit

2027 and Future Years Annual ESUPERFUND Fee

After the 2027 Financial Year, the ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF, will be reviewed annually. If there is a change to the ESUPERFUND Fee, the change will be notified by ESUPERFUND via this page on our website. Fee Increases where applied will be in line with our aim to ensure our fees are competitive in the market on a continual basis.

Not an Introductory Fee

As detailed above our administration fee is currently fixed at per annum, irrespective of the number of transactions made by your SMSF, the size of your SMSF or the number of Members. The ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF is not an introductory fee. Our aim is to ensure our fees are competitive in the market on a continual basis.

When is the Annual Compliance Fee Payable?

As outlined above the 2025 ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF is FREE. The 2026 Financial Year ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF is payable in January 2026. Future Annual Fees after the 2026 Financial Year are payable each 12 month anniversary thereafter, in January each year.


For example if you establish your SMSF with ESUPERFUND on or before , your annual fees will be as follows:

    2025 Financial Year FREE
    2026 Financial Year Annual Fee Payable 15 January 2026
    2027 Financial Year Annual Fee Payable 15 January 2027

and so on ..

Who Pays the Annual Fee?

Importantly your SMSF will pay the ESUPERFUND Annual Fee to attend to the taxation and accounting obligations including the audit for your SMSF of from the Transaction Bank Account established for your SMSF. An authority to make the payment annually is included with the Establishment Package for signing, meaning that the payment will occur automatically each year from your SMSF's Transaction Bank Account.

Important Information

When setting up an SMSF it is important to understand that additional fees may apply that must be carefully considered prior to making a decision to setup an SMSF including an ATO Supervisory Levy , Company Trustee Setup Fee (where applicable) , and Investment Fees.

Special Offer - Limited Time Only

Our Special Offer applies only to New SMSF applications submitted on or before . For example if you apply online on or before , however your SMSF is established after that date you will still qualify for our Special Offer.

For more information on SMSF Setup Process, please click here.

Set up your SMSF with ESUPERFUND Today!