mFunds offer direct access to invest in Managed Funds through the ASX.
mFunds allow you to access a range of asset classes and market sectors, without the paperwork burden usually associated with investing in unlisted Managed Funds.
What is the mFund Settlement Service?
The mFund Settlement Service has been introduced by ASX to allow investors to buy and sell units in selected unlisted Managed Funds (‘mFund products’) through their stockbroker.
The mFunds product is available through EBROKING.
What is an mFund product?
An mFund product is an unlisted Managed Fund admitted for settlement under the ASX Operating Rules and available to investors through the mFund Settlement Service.
A wide range of unlisted managed funds from a broad range of leading managed fund issuers are available.
Participating Fund Managers can be found here.
Why invest in mFunds?
By investing in mFunds directly through EBROKING’s share trading platform, you have the opportunity to increase your diversification, by accessing and administering a range of asset classes – without the paperwork burden usually required to invest in Managed Funds.
Transparent and efficient portfolio
Manage and monitor your share and managed fund investments all on your current EBROKING Trading account making it easier to change between unlisted managed funds.
Diversify your portfolio
Diversify your portfolio by incorporating different asset classes and market sectors that would otherwise be under-represented on the Australian share market e.g. international & emerging markets, listed property, bond markets and international shares.
Save time
Save time by cutting out the paperwork burden usually associated with buying and selling unlisted managed funds.
Through mFund, the paper-based application process is replaced with an online one.
If you area an existing client of EBROKING, you will not need to send certified identification to each fund manager.
EBROKING looks after all of this for you, automatically!
Easier and familiar transaction and administration
Easier and familiar transaction and administration, all through your EBROKING Trading Account.
Utilise platform features
More timely access to a wider range of information about managed funds, including unit prices and related announcements, real time views of your holdings and order status.
Whether you’re a financial planner, adviser or self-directed investor, investing in mFunds via an EBROKING account means goodbye to the ongoing administration fees you may be paying when investing in managed funds via a wrap platform.
Did you know?
Small differences in fees and costs can have a substantial impact on the end-investors long-term returns.
If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances,
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website has a superannuation fee calculator to help you check out different fee options.
Fees and rates
EBROKING charges a brokerage fee on mFund transactions.
Our current fees are $29.95 or 0.11%, whichever is greater. There are no ongoing platform administration fees.
How do I access mFunds?
You can apply for and redeem units in mFunds directly through the EBROKING online Trading Platform. EBROKING does not offer mFunds through their phone service.
Learn more
For more information, see our FAQs,
call EBROKING on 1300 799 880 or
visit ASX’s mFund site.