Term Deposit Application

To apply for a Term Deposit for your SMSF, please login to the ESUPERFUND Client Portal here.

If you wish to establish a new SMSF, please click here to set up your SMSF with ESUPERFUND today!

No financial product advice or recommendation

No Advice Express or Implied: It is important to understand that ESUPERFUND has not taken into account any particular investor's objectives, financial situation or particular needs. ESUPERFUND does not provide financial product advice or recommend any financial products either expressly or implied. ESUPERFUND expressly states that it does not recommend, represent as suitable, or endorse any financial product or service available through ESUPERFUND. This applies in relation to the ING and AMP Term Deposits. ESUPERFUND does not advise or recommend that these products are suitable to a particular investor’s financial requirements or needs in relation to their SMSF. Any information provided in relation to the ING and AMP Term Deposits is factual information only about the operation of the account and how data is made available to ESUPERFUND. Accordingly you should read the disclosures relating to the ING and AMP Term Deposits before making any decision about whether the ING and AMP Term Deposits are suitable for your SMSF needs. We also recommend that you should seek professional advice from a financial adviser before making any decision to use the ING and AMP Term Deposits for your SMSF.