Questions & Answers - Australian Shares

+ Does my SMSF have to use a specific Broker to trade CHESS Sponsored Australian Shares?

Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Broker to invest in Australian Shares and Other Australian Listed Securities for their SMSF. To simplify the Australian Share Trading Account Application Process, documentation to establish an EBROKING Account is included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF.

+ How is the Broker Account established for my SMSF?

Documentation to establish the EBROKING Account will be included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF. The documentation is completed for you making the account opening process easy.

+ When can my SMSF begin to Trade?

On average it takes approximately 4 weeks to establish an SMSF. When your SMSF has been established a "Final Setup Package" will be sent to you with all the SMSF Setup details including your SMSF's Share Trading Account Details allowing you to trade Australian Shares. At that time you will be ready to start trading for your SMSF.

+ Is my SMSF obligated to Trade Shares?

No. It is important to understand that the Investment decisions for your SMSF always remain with you as the SMSF Trustee giving you control of your SMSF. You are under no obligation to trade Shares if you elect not to do so. The EBROKING Trading Platform is established for you to be used only if you want to trade CHESS Sponsored Australian Shares. It is completely permissible never to trade for your SMSF if you do not want to and this in no way affects your annual fee.

+ Can my SMSF Trade Shares?

Yes. Your SMSF can trade shares to the extent that it is in accordance with the SMSF Investment Strategy and is properly minuted. See here for details on the Investment Process. In fact most large retail Super Funds do exactly this and is part of a prudent investment strategy. This means that if you determine it is appropriate for your SMSF to trade 10 times or 1,000 times per year this is a decision you as the SMSF Trustee must make. However always remember the objectives of your Investment Strategy when making any Investments including risk and return, diversification and liquidity.

+ What are the Brokerage Fees?

Brokerage fees to trade Australian Shares with EBROKING can be found here.

+ Are there any fees to receive Live Data when I login to EBROKING?

No. Live Pricing Data is free of charge with the EBROKING trading platform.

+ What Education and Research is available with EBROKING?

EBROKING provides clients with valuable Equities and Research Information, at no additional cost.

+ Are there fees to execute Conditional Orders?

Conditional Orders are instructions based around a set of criteria or market conditions (referred to as a "trigger") that must be met before your trade is actually submitted to the market for execution. When the trigger criteria specified is satisfied, the Broker will submit your order to the market. Whilst there is no guarantee that the trade will be executed the aim of Conditional Orders is to protect your profits or ensure you do not miss trading opportunities when you are busy. By setting Conditional Orders including stop losses you can BUY and SELL ahead of time. Conditional Order fees are free of charge with EBROKING.

+ How do I settle BUY and SELL Shares with EBROKING?

To place a BUY Trade under the EBROKING Trading Platform you need to click "Trade" and then "Buy" when you are logged in to your EBROKING Trading Account. When you BUY CHESS Sponsored ASX Listed Securities, the Trade will be settled from the EBROKING Settlement Account. Importantly when you place a trade, the funds are accessed automatically from the EBROKING Settlement Account to settle trades. Trades are settled under the T+2 settlement system. That is, trades are settled 2 days after placing your trade.

To place a SELL Trade under the EBROKING Trading Platform you need to click "Trade" and then "Sell" when you are logged in to your EBROKING Trading Account. When you SELL CHESS Sponsored ASX Listed Securities, the settlement proceeds will be automatically deposited into your EBROKING Settlement Account. Trades are settled under the T+2 settlement system. That is, trades are settled 2 days after placing your trade.

Trading confirmations will be forwarded via email. Confirmations can also be viewed and downloaded by clicking "Shares" and then "Confirmations" when you are logged in to your EBROKING Trading Account. Similarly you view your Trading History by clicking "Shares" and then "Order History" when you are logged in to your EBROKING Trading Account.

+ How does trading with EBROKING work?

All Shares purchased through EBROKING are CHESS Sponsored and owned in the name of your SMSF under its unique HIN. Your SMSF is the direct owner of all Shares purchased.

+ Who do I contact if I have a query about my EBROKING Account?

If you have any queries about your SMSF EBROKING Account please contact EBROKING on 1300 799 880. This is a dedicated number for ESUPERFUND clients. Please do not contact ESUPERFUND directly in relation to queries about your EBROKING Account as unfortunately we will be unable to assist you with your queries.

+ How do I login to EBROKING?

To login to the EBROKING Trading Platform click here.

A video to help you navigate the EBROKING Trading Platform can be found here. You may also click here to download a Quick Guide.

+ Can my SMSF use Other Brokers to invest in Australian Shares?

It is not compulsory to use the EBROKING Account once the account is established and you are permitted to use another Australian Share Trading Account for your SMSF if preferred. However, if you establish another Australian Share Trading Account, data will not be accessible by ESUPERFUND and you will need to source and provide this data to ESUPERFUND annually. In addition, ESUPERFUND provides a Client Login Portal to clients with real time data of all your SMSF Investments. Where you elect to use another Australian Share Trading Account, we will be unable to receive daily data on these accounts, and in turn will not be able to report details of these accounts in real-time.