Valuation of Assets

Asset valuation is a key component in preparing meaningful SMSF financial reports. Its importance has also been highlighted with the Transfer Balance Cap and Total Superannuation Balance that went into effect on 1 July 2017.

General Valuation Guidelines

Valuation Events

A valuation of assets is required to confirm that your SMSF has complied with the relevant superannuation law for events detailed below:

Event Requirements
Preparing the SMSF financial accounts and statements An asset must be valued at its market value.

The valuation should be based on objective and supportable data.
Determining the value of assets that support a pension. The pension commencement value counts towards the pension Member's Transfer Balance Cap The market value of the account balance needs to be determined on the commencement day of the pension or, for ongoing pensions, on 1 July of the financial year in which the pension is paid.

The valuation should be based on objective and supportable data.
Determining the market value of assets for the purpose of calculating the Member's Total Superannuation Balance Members’ total superannuation balances on 30 June each financial year affect their eligibilities to make certain contributions in the following financial year.

The valuation should be based on objective and supportable data.
Collectables and personal use assets - transfer or sale to a related party Must be made at a market price determined by a qualified independent valuer.
Transfers between SMSFs and unrelated parties A valuation is not required however the transfer must occur on an arm's length basis.

For more information, please visit the ATO website here.

Related Parties

A 'Related Party' includes:

  • All Members of the Superfund;
  • Associates of SMSF Members;
  • Standard employer sponsors, which are employers who contribute to your Superfund for the benefit of a Member, under an arrangement between the employer and a Trustee of your SMSF;
  • Associates of standard employer sponsors.

For more information on 'Related Party', please visit the ATO website here.

Arm's Length

Investments must be made and maintained on a commercial basis. A test would be whether a prudent person, acting with due regards to his or her own commercial interests, would have agreed to the terms.

Specific Requirements for Asset Classes

Listed Securities

For the end of financial year reporting, the closing price on each listed security's approved stock exchange or licensed market at 30 June should be used as the market value of the security.

Real Properties

If the SMSF holds a property on 30 June, the acceptable supporting documentation for the property valuation include:

  1. Valuation report prepared by an online property valuation service provider (e.g. RP data) and dated close to 30 June;
  2. Valuation report prepared by a real estate agent and dated close to 30 June with details of comparable property sales data;
  3. Comparable property sales around June/July in the surrounding area with documentation evidencing the similarity of the properties and how the market value is arrived based on the comparable property sale prices;
  4. Valuation report from an independent valuer and dated close to 30 June;
  5. Contract of sales if the purchase is recent and no events have occurred to the property that could materially impact its value since the purchase.

Physical Metals

Generally, for bullion assets held at a storage facility or Mint, a holding statement issued by the facility would be sufficient.

When trustee(s) of an SMSF take physical possession of the bullion assets, Trustees can provide an independent holding statement in the name of your SMSF issued by any of the following entities/person after the physical metals have been sighted by them:

  1. Storage vault company where you store the assets;
  2. A reputable bullion / jewellery dealer;
  3. A qualified independent valuer;
  4. A certified practising accounting business (e.g. CPA/CA/Auditor).

Widely Held Unit Trusts and Managed Funds

The valuation of units in widely held trusts and managed funds should be based on objective data, for example, the published exit price from the Managed Fund or Trust manager. This price is usually available on the annual account statement issued by the Fund or Trust manager.

Collectables and Personal Use Assets

If the SMSF holds Collectables or Personal Use Assets on 30 June, a Holdings Statement issued by the dealer or independent valuer evidencing the collectables unit holdings and market value is required.

If an SMSF is disposing of a collectable or personal use asset to a related party of the SMSF, the transaction must be conducted at the market price as determined by a qualified independent valuer. Besides, the assets should be valued as at the date of the transaction.

For more information on valuation, please visit the ATO website here.

Providing Valuation Data to ESUPERFUND

ESUPERFUND holds valuation data for all ASX listed Shares and Securities alleviating you of the responsibility of maintaining these records at financial year end. Where a valuation is required from Trustees (such as for physical metals) we will request this information from you as part of the annual Checklist Process. Before the release of the Annual Checklist, you may refer to the above to obtain and organise the necessary documentation for efficient uploading to the Annual Checklist.

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