A comprehensive summary of Investments Allowed and issues to consider is detailed below. Importantly our current annual fee of per annum does not vary irrespective of the type or number of Investments made by your SMSF. ESUPERFUND does not provide financial product or taxation advice and, as set out in the general advice warning below, it does not recommend or endorse any of the financial products or services available through ESUPERFUND. Nor are you required to use any particular financial product or service in order to use the ESUPERFUND service.
A SMSF must have a Bank Transaction Account to receive deposits and pay outgoings. Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Transaction Bank Account for their SMSF. To simplify the Transaction Bank Account Application Process, documentation to establish an ANZ V2 Plus Account is included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF. By using the ANZ V2 Plus Account as the Transaction Account for your SMSF, ESUPERFUND is able to electronically access the transactions made by your SMSF in order to attend to the SMSF Annual Compliance Requirements. No Bank records are required from you each year as we already have the data. It is important to understand that only electronic data files are provided to ESUPERFUND. We have absolutely no access to your Transaction Account and cannot actually login to your Bank Account to access the required data.
It is not compulsory to use the ANZ V2 Plus Account once the account is established and you are permitted to use another Transaction Bank Account for your SMSF if preferred. However, if you establish another Transaction Bank Account, data will not be accessible by ESUPERFUND and you will need to source and provide this data to ESUPERFUND annually. In addition, ESUPERFUND provides a Client Login Portal to clients with real time data of all your SMSF Investments. Where you elect to use another Transaction Account, we will be unable to receive daily data on these accounts, and in turn will not be able to report details of these accounts in real time.
For more information on the Transaction Account, please click here.
A SMSF is permitted to invest in Australian Shares and Other Australian Listed Securities (eg ETFs, Bonds, Options, Warrants, LICs, LITs, etc). Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Broker to invest in Australian Shares and Other Australian Listed Securities for their SMSF. To simplify the Australian Share Trading Account Application Process documentation to establish an EBROKING Share Trading Account (EBROKING) is included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF. By using EBROKING as the Broker to invest in Australian Shares, ESUPERFUND is able to electronically access the Broker Data for your SMSF in order to attend to the SMSF Annual Compliance Requirements. No Broker Data records are required from you each year as we already have the data. It is important to understand that only electronic data files are provided to ESUPERFUND. We have absolutely no access to your Broker Account and cannot actually login to your Broker Account to access the required data.
It is not compulsory to use the EBROKING Account once the account is established and you are permitted to use another Australian Share Trading Account for your SMSF if preferred. However, if you establish another Australian Share Trading Account, data will not be accessible by ESUPERFUND and you will need to source and provide this data to ESUPERFUND annually. In addition, ESUPERFUND provides a Client Login Portal to clients with real time data of all your SMSF Investments. Where you elect to use another Australian Share Trading Account, we will be unable to receive daily data on these accounts, and in turn will not be able to report details of these accounts in real time.
For more information on investing in Australian Shares, please click here.
A SMSF is permitted to invest in Bank and Savings Account. Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Bank and Savings Account for their SMSF. To simplify the Online Savings Account Application Process ESUPERFUND has established direct arrangements with ING Direct allowing clients to easily apply for an Online Savings Account through our website. By using the ING Online Savings Account ESUPERFUND is able to electronically access the transactions made by your SMSF in order to attend to the SMSF Annual Compliance Requirements. No bank records are required from you each year as we already have the data. It is important to understand that only electronic data files are provided to ESUPERFUND. We have absolutely no access to your ING Account and cannot actually login to your Bank Account to access the required data.
It is not compulsory to use the ING Savings Account and you are permitted to invest in any Bank and Savings Accounts for your SMSF as desired. However if you establish Bank and Savings Accounts for your SMSF other than with ING, data will not be accessible by ESUPERFUND and you will need to source and provide this data to ESUPERFUND annually. In addition ESUPERFUND provides a Client Login Portal to clients with daily data of all your SMSF Investments. Where you elect to use a Savings Account other than the ING Savings Account, we will be unable to receive daily data on these accounts, and in turn will not be able to report details of these accounts daily.
More information about investing in Bank and Savings Accounts can be found here.
A SMSF is permitted to invest in Residential Property with Borrowings. To simplify the Residential Property Loan Application Process ESUPERFUND (via Beagle Finance Pty Ltd) has established a direct arrangement with Liberty Financial allowing clients to easily apply for an SMSF Loan through our website. ESUPERFUND is an Authorised Credit Representative (ACR 413213) of Beagle Finance Pty Ltd ACN 140 290 268 (ACL 383640) which has a licence authorising it to arrange credit.
The Loan Application Process for a SMSF is not like a typical loan and it can be complicated. The Property must be acquired under a Bare Trust / Security Custodian Structure and not getting this right can lead to compliance issues for your SMSF at audit time. By utilising our direct arrangement with Liberty Financial (with ESUPERFUND acting on behalf of Beagle Finance Pty Ltd) to submit residential SMSF Loan applications, ESUPERFUND is able to ensure that the strict SMSF Loan requirements are attended to during the entire loan application process and that the Bare Trust / Security Custodian Structure is set up correctly.
It is also noted that most leading SMSF Lenders (including CBA, ANZ, NAB, Westpac and Macquarie Bank) have ceased offering SMSF Loans. Our offering is limited at present to Liberty Financial as the Lender offers a flexible SMSF lending solution and allows for a streamlined application process.
More information about investing in Residential Property with Borrowings can be found here.
Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to invest in Commercial Property with Borrowings. Whilst ESUPERFUND does not have Partnered Lenders for Commercial Property it does offer a commercial loan service on a referral basis only. When you have identified a Commercial Property that you would like to acquire with borrowings you can submit a request via the Client Portal to enable us to request our SMSF Commercial Lending Specialist to contact you directly regarding your requirements. You are permitted to use any Lender to purchase Commercial Property and are not required to use our Referral Lender Service.
More information about investing in Commercial Property with Borrowings can be found here.
A SMSF is permitted to invest in Residential Property with No Borrowings.
More information about investing in Residential Property with No Borrowings can be found here.
Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to invest in Commercial Property with No Borrowings.
More information about investing in Commercial Property with No Borrowings can be found here.
A SMSF is permitted to invest in any Cryptocurrency (including but not limited to Bitcoin). Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Australian based Cryptocurrency Exchange to purchase Cryptocurrency for their SMSF.
More information about investing in Cryptocurrency can be found here.
Set up your SMSF with ESUPERFUND Today!