Residential Property - Borrowing Process

ESUPERFUND is an Authorised Credit Representative (ACR 413213) of Beagle Finance Pty Ltd ACN 140 290 268 (ACL 383640) which has a licence authorising it to arrange credit and has a direct arrangement with Liberty Financial. 


Setup your SMSF

Prior to even considering purchasing a Residential Property you must first establish your SMSF. The process to set up a SMSF is detailed here. When you establish a SMSF you have a choice of whether to appoint Individual Trustees or a Company Trustee to act for your SMSF. Each option is detailed here. For your convenience, if you elect to have a Company as the Trustee of your SMSF and do not have an existing Company, ESUPERFUND offers a Company Setup Service. The cost of establishing a Company with ESUPERFUND is .

Certain Lenders will only lend to SMSFs established with a Company Trustee. Our panel Lender, Liberty Financial will lend to your SMSF regardless if you have Individual Trustees or a Company Trustee. As detailed at Step 5 below, if you elect to have a Company to act as a Trustee of your SMSF this Company cannot be used as the Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust. A separate Company must be used as the Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust.


Rollover your Super Benefit and Contribute to the SMSF

Once the SMSF has been established you will need to Rollover your Super Benefit and commence making Contributions to your SMSF. The process to Rollover your SMSF Benefit is detailed here.


Apply for Loan Pre Approval

To determine whether you are likely to qualify for a Loan you will need to apply for Loan Pre Approval by requesting a prepopulated Application form from ESUPERFUND. The request for a Pre Approval Application can be done using the ESUPERFUND Loan Pre Approval Application here. It is advisable that the Loan Pre Approval is requested to ensure that you will not be liable for application fees and Security Custodian Trust fees in the event that the Loan Application is rejected later.  


Sign and return Loan Pre Approval Documentation

On lodging a Loan Pre Approval Application online, a prepopulated Loan Application will be sent to you for completion and signing. The documentation must be returned to our office for review and lodgement with the Lender for Pre Approval.


Setup Company to act as Trustee for the Security Custodian Trust

In order for a SMSF to borrow to acquire property it must establish a Security Custodian Trust Structure. The Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust must be a Company. The Directors and Shareholders of the Security Custodian Trust Company Trustee must be the Trustees of your SMSF (if you have Individual Trustees) or the Directors of the Company (if you have a Company as Trustee for your SMSF). For your convenience, if you do not have an existing Company, ESUPERFUND offers a Company Setup Service. The cost of establishing a Company with ESUPERFUND is . In addition there is an additional annual ASIC Fee of approximately payable directly to ASIC. Please note that you are not obligated to use the ESUPERFUND Company Setup Service and can arrange to set up a Company with any provider desired. The Company details can in turn be provided to ESUPERFUND when setting up the Security Custodian Trust (see next step for more). The Company that will act as Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust can be set up after the Loan has been pre-approved but must be set up before the Property has been acquired (ie the Purchase Contract signed). To apply for a Company with ESUPERFUND you will need to login to your Client Portal and apply online here. If you have a Company that acts as a Trustee of your SMSF this Company cannot be used as the Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust. A separate Company must be used as the Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust.


Setup Security Custodian Trust

As detailed above a Security Custodian Trust must be established for each Property that is acquired using borrowings. ESUPERFUND will arrange the setup of the Security Custodian Trust for you when you borrow to buy Residential Property for your SMSF utilising our direct arrangement with Liberty Financial (with ESUPERFUND acting on behalf of Beagle Finance Pty Ltd). ESUPERFUND has a one off fee of to set up the Security Custodian Trust. The Security Custodian Trust must be set up only after the Loan has been pre-approved. To apply for a Security Custodian Trust with ESUPERFUND you will need to login to your Client Portal and apply online here.


Sign Security Custodian Trust Documentation

Documentation to establish the Security Custodian Trust will be forwarded to you for signing. This documentation should be signed and retained by you for your own records. A scanned copy of the signed documentation should be returned with the Contract of Property Purchase (see below) once the Property has been purchased.


Purchase Property

Once the Security Custodian Trust documentation has been signed the Security Custodian Trust Structure will have been established meaning you can purchase the Property of your choice. When signing the Purchase Contract to acquire the Property please ensure the following occurs:

-The Property must be purchased in the name of the Security Custodian Trust Trustee Company.
-All Directors of the Company must sign the Purchase Contract.
-Please note that the Purchase Contract can be signed with a "subject to finance" clause.
-You must not put the name of your SMSF or the Name of the SMSF Trustees on the Purchase Contract.


If the Security Custodian Trust Trustee Company Name is Smith Pty Ltd then the purchaser on your Purchase Contract will be: Smith Pty Ltd. Neither the Trustees of your SMSF or the SMSF itself should be named on the Purchase Contract when borrowing to purchase Property in your SMSF.


Return Security Custodian Trust and Property Purchase Contract Documentation

Once the Purchase Contract has been signed to acquire the Property a copy of the signed Purchase Contract together with the Security Custodian Trust Documentation signed at Step 7 will need to be returned to ESUPERFUND via the Client Portal Inbox.


Stamping the Security Custodian Trust

On receipt of the documentation, you will need to arrange the stamping of the Security Custodian Trust with the State Revenue Office if required. ESUPERFUND will advise you on the process to do this at the relevant time.


Final Loan Approval Granted by Lender

Once Final Loan Approval has been granted, the Lender will forward the Loan Offer Documents to you for signing.


Loan Offer Documents to be signed and returned

The Loan Offer Documents will need to be signed and returned to the Lender.


Property Settlement

At Settlement the monies to fund the Property will come from cash from the SMSF and the Loan being advanced. The Vendor at that time will provide a copy of the signed transfer of the Property to the Trustee of the Security Custodian Trust.


Property Transfer and Mortgage Registration

The Property Transfer to the Security Custodian Trust Trustee Company and the mortgage are registered. This will be arranged by your solicitor or conveyancer.


Property Rent and Expenses

After settlement the Property can be rented. The Rent must be deposited into the SMSF Bank Account. All Property Expenses including loan repayments will need to be made from the SMSF Bank Account.

No financial product advice or recommendation

No Advice Express or Implied: It is important to understand that ESUPERFUND has not taken into account any particular investor's objectives, financial situation or particular needs. ESUPERFUND does not provide financial product advice or recommend any financial products either expressly or implied. ESUPERFUND expressly states that it does not recommend, represent as suitable, or endorse any financial product or service available through ESUPERFUND. This applies in relation to the Liberty Financial SMSF Loan. ESUPERFUND does not advise or recommend that this loan product is suitable to a particular investor’s financial requirements or needs in relation to their SMSF. Any information provided in relation to the Liberty Financial SMSF Loan is factual information only about the features of the loan product and how data is made available to ESUPERFUND. Accordingly you should read the disclosures relating to the Liberty Financial SMSF Loan before making any decision about whether this loan product is suitable for your SMSF needs. We also recommend that you should seek professional advice from a financial adviser before making any decision to use the Liberty Financial SMSF Loan for your SMSF.

Australian Credit Licence and Credit Representative

ESUPERFUND is an Authorised Credit Representative (ACR 413213) of Beagle Finance Pty Ltd ACN 140 290 268 (ACL 383640) which has a licence authorising it to arrange credit.

Set up your SMSF with ESUPERFUND Today!