Listed Options

Listed Options

A SMSF is permitted to invest in Listed Options. Clients of ESUPERFUND are permitted to use any Australian Broker to invest in Listed Options for their SMSF. To simplify the Australian Broker Account Application Process documentation to establish an EBROKING Trading Account (EBROKING) is included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF. By using EBROKING as the Broker to invest in Listed Options, ESUPERFUND is able to electronically access the Broker Data for your SMSF in order to attend to the SMSF Annual Compliance Requirements. No Broker Data records are required from you each year as we already have the data. It is important to understand that only electronic data files are provided to ESUPERFUND. We have absolutely no access to your Broker Account and cannot actually login to your Broker Account to access the required data.

Not Compulsory

It is not compulsory to setup and use the EBROKING Account and you are permitted to use other Australian Trading Accounts for your SMSF to invest in Listed Options. To this extent you are not required to return the documentation to establish the EBROKING Account, included with the documentation forwarded to you when you submit your online application to establish an SMSF. However if you establish an Australian Trading Account other than with EBROKING to invest in Listed Options, data will not be accessible by ESUPERFUND and you will need to source and provide this data to ESUPERFUND annually. If you elect to establish your own Australian Trading Account to invest in Listed Options for your SMSF then you will be responsible to arrange the Account Setup. In addition ESUPERFUND provides a Client Login Portal to clients with real time data of all your SMSF Investments. Where you elect to use an Australian Trading Account to invest in Listed Options other than EBROKING, we will be unable to receive daily data on these accounts, and in turn will not be able to report details of these accounts in real time.

About Brokers

Further details about the EBROKING Trading Account can be found here

No financial product advice or recommendation

No Advice Express or Implied: It is important to understand that ESUPERFUND has not taken into account any particular investor's objectives, financial situation or particular needs. ESUPERFUND does not provide financial product advice or recommend any financial products either expressly or implied. ESUPERFUND expressly states that it does not recommend, represent as suitable, or endorse any financial product or service available through ESUPERFUND.  

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